¿Do you know where to report antisemitic incidents?
Wherever in presence of face-to-face or virtual grievances towards people or institutions. Among them, verbal and/or written insulting expressions, inscriptions on public roads, injuries, threats, desecration of graves and damages (material destruction), and any kind of incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence. The recipient of the discriminatory act does not necessarily have to belong to the discriminated group to make the report.
Follow the link according to your country:
Antisemitic incidents can be reported to the independent national human rights institution Unia (https://www.unia.be/en.) as well as the Jewish community on
the website www.antisemitisme.be
Antisemitic incidents can be reported to the Observatory on Antisemitism (https://www.osservatorioantisemitismo.it/) and the National Anti-discrimination Office – UNAR (https://www.unar.it/portale/).
Antisemitic incidents can be reported to the Intercultural Institute Timisoara: iit@intercultural.ro
Antisemitic incidents can be reported to the Federación de Comunidades Judías de España’ and Movimiento contra la Intolerancia’s Observatory on Antisemitism: https://observatorioantisemitismo.fcje.org/contacto/